Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Review: Brinkman Adventures Season 4

Brinkman Adventures
Issac has found one of his new favorite audio stories from Brinkman Adventures.  He's been listening to Brinkman Adventures Season 4 almost non-stop for weeks.  At least that's what it seems like! He loves to be read too, but I've noticed he can have a difficult time following audio stories.  That has not been the problem with this series! He's never listened to these before, but was able to jump right in and enjoy.  Each disk has individual audio stories, so you don't have to necessarily have listened previously.  The audio stories are about 30 minutes long and I think that's the perfect length of time for Issac to stay fully engaged.  There are 4 audio cd's included in the season 4 box with a total of 12 stories.  Here are the stories that are told in this season.  

37 A Paradise Lost
38 Remember Nhu
39 Aisha’s Fear
40 Heart Song
41 The Crashed Kitchen
42 Crisis In The Congo
43 The Mysterious Palm Feller
44 War of the Raccoons
45 The Five Guys
46 Toughest Man
47 Cambodian Quest
48 What Brings Us Together

Brinkman Adventures
The Brinkman Adventures are missionary stories told through a fictional family, the Brinkmans.  These stories are based are true missionary stories and share story after story of how God worked in their lives.  After listening to these wonderfully, exciting audio stories you can read the Real Stories that they are based from.  
My favorite story was of Dimitri.  He longed to share the Bible with his son and decided to start studying with him a few times a week. Neighbors heard of their studies and wanted to join.  One day they were taking a collection for a struggling family when there was a knock at the door. The authorities warned Dimitri that he could not have church at home. He didn't feel that was what he was doing, but they disagreed. Ultimately Dimitri continued and was thrown in jail for sharing the Bible with friends and family.  He kept a constant faith that he would make it home until one day he felt broken. They told him his wife was dead and his son was a ward of the state. He was willing to sign anything they wanted to get out of there.  That particular day his wife felt he needed their pray right then and there, so she and her son prayed for him. He was able to feel their prayers and know they were safe. This gave him the courage to continue on being faithful to God.  
I love that these are stories that anyone can relate to and show a powerful faith in God.  I decided to ask Issac which were his favorites and what he liked about them and this is what he said:  Issac said he really liked Remember Nhu.  He said he just really liked the story.  He liked that the man made many trips to Cambodia looking for Nhu and that he never gave up looking.  That was a little hard for him to understand that someone would put so much time and effort into looking for someone.  He said he also liked A Paradise Lost.  He liked that the lake vanished before the tornado.  He really liked all the stories and said it was hard to pick one that he really liked. 
For anyone looking for a well made, family friendly audio story I would highly suggest the Brinkman Adventures Season 4 from Brinkman Adventures. These are truly wonderful stories that teach our children about true faith in God.  Check out their social media sites as well as what were the favorites with the rest of the crew.

Brinkman Adventures Season 4

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