Monday, March 12, 2018

Review: Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think

parenting made practical

I think parenting must be the hardest as well as most rewarding job there ever could be for a person. I'm not sure that everyone realizes how much work and effort have to be put into these little ones daily to produce adults that can navigate and function well in this world we live in currently. I remember when I was pregnant with our first I thought if I'm half as good a mom as my mom was then I'm golden. As the years went on I started stressing because I hadn't really read any parenting books or thought about what strategies and consequences we'd use. I think I started struggling the most when I realized how truly opposite my husband and I were raised and what a difference that made in our parenting styles. As our children get older we often have to change up the way that we parent them. Sometimes we also have to have different strategies for different children. Shortly after my items I arrived I had a bit of free time one night, so decided to take advantage and watch  Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think (Video)  by Parenting Made Practical I figured quiet time to focus doesn't happen often:) As I watched the video I realized as my children have aged that I have become guilty of lecturing. I thought I was "explaining" my thoughts and reasons for what was happening. Sadly, I've realized I was lecturing them and they were basically tuning out:( I remember sitting at the table with my husband "talking" to our oldest and the oldest was so tuned out. I could see that it was happening when my husband talked to him, but didn't realize it was happening with me as well. Sadly, we were and have both been guilty of lecturing.  As I read  Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think (book) I was able to gather additional information that I didn't pick up in while watching the video. 
Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think Book

I have learned quite a few practical tips for  Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think.  Lecturing does not give children new information or motivate them to do the right thing. It also does not encourage them to succeed or give them the freedom to make mistakes that they can also learn from.  Parents tend to lecture because it doesn't take much time, it can be done anywhere and it makes the parent feel better.  Some examples of lecturing are:

Talking over your kids while they are talking
Talking without first getting their attention

Before we can truly teach our children we need them to have a teachable heart.  If they don't have a teachable heart then they aren't going to accept anything we teach them. We really need to get our children thinking and to do that we must ask questions. Our children aren't thinking because they feel it's too much work, they get overwhelmed, they don't know how and they are self-focused.  We have to teach them to be responsible and take ownership of their attitudes and action.  Some of the types of questions we can ask are the following: 

Why did you do that?
What were you thinking when you made that choice?
Why didn't you do what I asked you to do?
Did you feel guilty for not doing what I asked of you?
How do you think I felt when I found out you didn't do it?
Did you think you would get away with it?
Did you think what you did was the right thing?
These are just a few of the questions that you could ask your child when you have caught them lying, trying to deceive you or not completed an assigned task.

Answers that are not to be accepted are:
I'm not sure
I think so
Kind of
Sort of

I've noticed that my ten year old will say he doesn't know when asked a question. I've also seen him give an answer that I believe is what he thinks is the correct answer, but not necessarily the true answer. This book and video have come at a truly great time for me because my son is currently doing intensive home therapy. When he doesn't want to answer them I've noticed they start asking questions. They never lecture! While reading  Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think I've gotten a new perspective on sin as well. In the book it explains that sin is sin and that God doesn't look at them differently. For some reason I had never really thought about comparing different sins and how God feels about the person committing them. We had a nice discussion at the table about it doesn't matter if we think it's a small sin. It's a sin in God's eyes and he's not happy with sin period.  

In the long run we truly need to have our children be accountable for their own behavior. I know that I have been guilty of not doling out a consequence when there should have been one. That won't help my children when they are adults and do wrong. It's one thing to give a child grace in a situation that you feel it should be given. It's another to not give consequences when wrong behavior occurs because that's not going to help them down the road.  Parenting Made Practical has come up with a great way to help unlock your child's heart.  It's called the repentance, forgiveness and restoration process.  When they have done a wrong act they need to:

* Be ready to repent
* Explain what they did wrong and how they didn't obey
* Explain how they violated their heart attitude
* Explain why they were wrong in their actions
* Ask Jesus to forgive them
* Explain how they are going to make things right again

Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think DVD

I was fortunate enough that I was able to read the book as well as watch the Taming the Lecture Bug and Getting Your Kids to Think (Video) .    The dvd has a title of A Parent's Night Out and I think that's truly fitting. What better way to spend a night out than learning how to make your home a better place.  The dvd is 1 disk that runs about 53 minutes.  On the disk we see Joey and Carla Link talking to a group of parents about how to motivate their children and teach them to think for themselves. I personally love watching DVD's like this because I'm more of a visual person. I feel like I'm right there in the audience with the speaker and feel that personal connection. I think one of the biggest things I took away from the video is about our children's temperaments.  I learned that they are inborn-given by God. I also learned that there are four-basic temperaments.

* Born leaders
* Visionaries
* They Delegate
* They aren't afraid of confrontation
* They are argumenative, domineering and have a need for control

* Life of the party
* Knows no stranger
* Outgoing, cheerful, positive and encouraging
* Easily distracted and prone to lying

* Quiet, needs few friends
* Genius, artistic and creative
* A perfectionist
* Over sensitive, moody and self-focused

* Good in a crisis
* Negotiates well
* Laid-back
* Good with numbers/analytical
* Procrastinates, hard to motivate and stubborn

I think it's very helpful to learn more about my children's temperaments, so that I can adjust ways that I relate with each one.  There is so much information in the book and video that I've just touched the surface here. These are the types of materials that you can read and watch over and over and pick up new information each time.  Please go check out all the crew reviews. We reviewed several different products and they all look amazing.

It was truly very hard for me to chose because they all looked like I could learn so much from them. Parenting Made Practical has come up with some amazing resources to help us parent our children. Here's a little video that gives a short idea of what they are teaching. 


Parenting Made Practical {Reviews}


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