Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Review: Homeschool Rescue

I think every homeschooling mom has felt she needed rescuing at some point. When you first jump into homeschooling you are full of excited and thrilled to be on this new journey. We often have blinders on and don't realize how hard it really can be.  We don't expect to stress about curriculum, stay up at night wondering if we are teaching enough or the right things.  That is why Only Passionate Curiosity has come up with the  Homeschool Rescue program.  Often we think we are the ONLY ones that are going through a situation and it's wonderful to know that most homeschooling moms have gone through it as well. We all need support, but homeschooling moms need an extra bit of support I believe. Everyone loves their kids, but it's not always easy to be with them 24/7 and be the one teaching them.  We don't often think about what we do when we are sick, or one child is sick and we have two others to teach.  We chose to homeschool  because we want to do it and we love it. The extra support is always appreciated. One thing that I don't think most moms think about is that you have to take care of yourself! If you aren't in a good place then you can't take care of your kids. Heather reminds us time and time again in this program that we have to take care of ourselves. Another thing that is great about this program is Heather is a homeschooling mom! I know that may seem strange to point out, but often we have people telling us how to do things and they don't do it themselves. It's wonderful to have a veteran homeschooling mom sharing her experiences.

Homeschool Rescue will help you "Breathe new life into your homeschool." When you purchase Homeschool Rescue you will receive the following:

  • Lifetime access to 20+ Video Lessons (audio and transcripts also available) to listen to at home or on-the-go
  • Printable Workbook Assignments for every video
  • Resources for Homeschooling Success
  • Ongoing Support from Homeschool Parents who Understand
  • Bonus Content (which we add to regularly)

I know you might have noticed that there are assignments :) Don't stress out and think you can't do the program because of this. The assignments are fairly short and simple to do.  They are mostly there to get you to dig deep and help make YOUR homeschool better! If you feel the assignment isn't really for you then you are free to skip it. One example is there is a sheet on helping you get a cleaning schedule. If you already have a great schedule/plan that works for you then you could skip this.  Most of the worksheets are very beneficial and doing them can only make your life better.  Heather constantly tells us that we need to help ourselves, that if we are dealing with a situation we need to fix that first and honestly she's telling us to give our self GRACE.  You may know you need to do these things, but when you hear it from others it sometimes sticks better :) Here are just a few of the assignments that were close to my heart :)

I really think these brain breaks will work great with our youngest. We are putting them on large popsicle sticks and will let him randomly chose one when he needs it.  

The modules are FULL of support, helpful worksheets to help get yourself and your homeschool on track.  

I know I have struggled with which curriculum are best for my children. When my children have different learning styles how do I approach teaching them? I've struggled for years with the balance of housework and schooling. We can have a great school week, but no cleaning gets done. The house looks wonderful, but we were lax in school. It feels so wonderful to know that I'm not the only one out there that feels that way! Heather has such a wonderful soothing voice that when I listened to the modules I just felt like she was sitting there with me having a conversation. She lets you know right up front if there is anything major going on in your life that it might not be the best time to make major changes in your homeschooling. I loved hearing that it's OK to give myself grace and sometimes just let things slide. It's ok to not hang on to all the curriculum because maybe it's causing me more heartache than good. 

There are two options available with the program:

If you think you might need a little support, motivation or even a kick start to your year check out Homeschool Rescue. You will be greatly blessed with the information and support that you receive.  More information can be found on their social media pages:


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Also check out what the other crew members thought:

Homeschool Rescue {Only Passionate Curiosity Reviews}

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