Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week Ending 2-29-20

I had planned to post this last night, but when are moving you tend to lose track of time :) We purchased this house about 18 months ago and we knew it had tons of work to do. The same month we bought the house my husband was in a head on collision.  That accident gave him horrible headaches or what he called one never ending headache for over a year. He was basically suffering bad concussion symptoms for over a year. We finally got him some help and relief, but the house was put on hold pretty much. He's been working on it sense, but his memory has suffered from the accident, so he often forgets what he's working on, where his tools are, what he was doing etc. We have been renting from his nephew and he's been so very generous and patient with us. I found out the first week of February that we needed to be out at the end of the month. It wasn't my husband saying we need too, but it was we have to whether the house is ready or not. We have working hard this month and there is still is so much to do. I'm sitting in what will be the "office", but there is no floor and the walls aren't painted. That's the least of the problems here, but even looking around at all that still needs to be done it feels good to be here. We slept here Friday evening and I woke up yesterday morning and it just felt natural like we've been here forever. I'll be honest that I don't even have a stove yet and can't use the main bathroom or the Livingroom, but I'm still focusing on the good part that we are here and all together.

As well as the move this week I made a big decision that has weighed heavy on me for a while. We had started ABA Therapy back in August and I was hanging lost of hopes and dreams on this for our youngest. It started off a little unorganized, but I ignored that. A few months ago our ABA's supervisor left and things seemed to go downhill. The new supervisor came out once and even said we live too far for her to come weekly like the other one did. Almost daily our ABA looks at me and says she doesn't know what's going on with my son. I've told her well, that's why we started ABA because they told me you guys were the ones to figure it out. I had been told that we were approved for 1 year and could easily get a 2nd year if we needed it. I'll be honest when I heard that all I could think about was I don't want to go through this for 2 years. Today the decision was made to stop ABA. I will probably always wonder if we should have continued or if this was the right decision and I'll probably never know. After our therapist being out sick a few weeks ago and this week  off due to the move it just felt so good not having someone come 3 or 4 days a week. My son still struggles with the same things he did before we started ABA and I pray I can figure out how to help him and we can all work together. I've been told for so long that ABA is what he needed and if he'd had it younger things would be so different. I have no idea, but hope and pray the right decision was made :)

As for now I'm going to go read my book for a few minutes and just enjoy sitting in my new bedroom :) We cleaned the other house today and I think everyone is pretty beat. I hope you all have a blessed Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are in your new home... even if there is still work to do! I know making the decision to stop ABA was hard, but I am sure it is the right decision. Hopefully with time tou can figure things out with him. Sending lots of love your way 🖤🖤🖤


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