Monday, February 3, 2020

What I'm reading this week

The problem with having multiple piles of books in your house is that you can lose the book you are reading!! I had started this book a few weeks ago and then thought I lost it. Turned out it was in the pile TBR at the computer table (LOL) I'm aiming to finish it this week :)

This is a book that Issac and I are reading for a review, so I don't think we'll finish it this week. We started today and so far I'm really enjoying the book.

I hate to even think about this topic, but it's becoming more an more of an issue every day.  I was drawn to this cover and so far it's been hard to put down. 

So far this book has a little mystery and a little romance which I always find is a good combination :)

This is my "purse" book at the moment. I haven't gotten much of it read because I really haven't been anywhere lately to read. I might have to snatch it out of my purse and read it because it's started out to be a very interesting book so far.  

I've got quite a few books on here for the week, so we'll see how much reading time I actually get :)

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