Saturday, April 4, 2020

Week Ending 4/4/2020

I hope that you all have had a great week and are enjoying your weekend. I for one will say that I'm trying to stay away from watching the news or reading about it. That may not seem smart because then I'm not so informed, but I honestly don't want to hear it. It just seems to be all negative and I want positivity in life ;) 

We've had a somewhat good week of school. School is kind of playing a backseat to working on stuff at the house, so I'm trying to be ok and happy with that for now.  We've been working on Time4learning which is a review item for us, so I'll be giving all my thoughts about that in a few weeks.  We have several other book and art items we are working on, so I think we are in for some fun in the next few weeks. 

Our local thrift was doing some online sales when they first started recommending we distance ourself. Several days they did 50% off before they shut down completely.  I saw a set of gold clubs that I thought might be great for my 12 year old. He's got a heart condition, so physical activitiy that he'd like to do is often limited. I figured if nothing else he could hit the ball around the yard. I got the set for $3!! Yesterday he had me outside hitting balls with him and told me I was his caddy! Yep, my son told me that so I responded with I expect to be tipped. He told me he's not Tiger Woods, so he can't tip me (LOL) This kid..... Today he and his dad threw the football, played pool and worked on a quad. Now my husband is riding the quad around and I'm thinking we might all be in trouble now ;)

** He caught me taking the picture (LOL) 

** I hope they aren't going to race the lawnmower against the quad! (LOL)

We are hoping to do more yardwork and gardening tomorrow. It's so nice seeing all the overgrowth cut down and see space. Makes me worry a little less about snakes. I'm hoping I don't see any or I might really quarantine myself inside.  

I hope you all have a great week!


  1. Oh my goodness-- "I'm not Tiger Woods"... I am laughing so hard over here! I had to take a break from the news as well. I was starting to lose sleep and stressing about everything way too much.

    1. Issac will always give us something to laugh about (LOL) I remember once he asked his speech therapist why she was wearing a scarf. She asked him why, did he not like it? He said no (LOL) They always knew to be careful what you ask Issac :)


Review: Roar Like a Lion

Raising kids has always been a hard job, but with technology the way it is now I think most parents would say it's become harder.  We al...