In this day and age with all the negative we hear from the news we need something positive to start our days.
Holley Gerth has given us
hope your heart needs to help jump start our days! There are 52 messages in this book of how God cares for us. One of my favorites was #7 in the book-Guide. The verse was For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14 We are often asked to do many things and we always wonder what is the right answer. In this section we are reminded that God is there to help and guide us! He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake (Ps. 23.30) and You guide me with your counsel (Ps.73:24) We are not alone in this world and can lean on God. Here is a quick look at all the different sections included in the book.

Holley Gerth is an author, licensed counselor, speaker and certified life coach. She enjoys reaching out to the heart of women through her
blog. She has also given us many wonderful choices to start our morning off with or even turn these sections into a weekly study. She has written many other books including one of her newest books
fierce hearted. For more information visit her
Pinterest or
Instagram sites.
**I received a copy of this book free from Revell for my honest review**
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