Monday, May 28, 2018

Review: The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life by Erica & Jonathan Catherman

There are many things that I want my daughter to get out of life and it's our job as parents to prepare them as best we can. Times have changed with all the technology that is in our world today, but many of the basics are still the same. We want our children to be able to manage their money, cook a meal and put gas in the car. How far we want our daughters to go is on us and how much we teach them. In
The Girls' Guide To Conquering Life by Erica & Jonathan Catherman there are quick reference notes to how to do many of the basic tasks that we face daily. There are many things that our daughter's will pick up from us just by helping around the house and doing their daily life activities. There are many things we think they will learn, but often they feel they aren't important and therefore don't pay them too much attention. In this book they can easily flip to the section that they are interested in learning and in less than a few minutes have the knowledge to help them complete the task. The main sections of the book are the following:

Guys & Dating

Social Skills & Manners

Work & Ethics

Wealth & Money Management

Health & Beauty

Clothes & Fashion

Sports & Recreation

Cars & Driving

Food & Cooking

Tools & Fix-It

In this book your daughter can learn how to have a GREAT interview, CHANGE a tire, Sew a button on and many other things. I highly recommend this book for all girls as it's a great way to help them learn on their own or just have a quick refresher if they need it.


  1. This sounds like an amazing book! I definitely need to add this to our TBR list.

    1. It was really cool because there were things in the book that I hadn't necessarily thought about making sure they knew about.


Review: Roar Like a Lion

Raising kids has always been a hard job, but with technology the way it is now I think most parents would say it's become harder.  We al...