Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Review: Princess Cut by Watchman Pictures

Watchman Pictures
It has become very hard in this day and age to find what I'd call good quality movies that showcase the type of morals I'd like my children to have.  I recently was able to preview the  Princess Cut by Watchman Pictures.  The Dove Foundation said this movie was "A cut above the rest" and Larry Elie of Friends Family Theatre said it was "The Best Christian Romance in Years."  It's also received the following accolades. 

I have to say that I thoroughly agreed with the reviews.  I think one of the things that hit closest to home was that the movie is based in the Carolina's.  I was born in North Carolina and have spent the majority of my life living here. I guess I'm a true Carolina girl at heart :)

Princess Cut The Movie

It's always exciting to get a package in the mail, but even better when I can watch a great Christian Romance! When the movie starts we meet Grace who has dreamed her entire life of Mr. Right. She even goes shopping to find the perfect "Princess Cut" diamond that she hopes he'll give her. She dreams of love and what that life will be like while not really knowing the way to go about finding true love.  She thought she had found that true love, but when he announced his engagement to another girl Grace was distraught.  She didn't know what to do, but before long she was in a relationship with another young man.  This man started pushing Grace in areas that she wasn't sure she wanted to go in yet.  She finally reaches her breaking point and her mother finds her crying in her room. She tells her mother all that she's been struggling with and they go to her father for advice. Her dad tells her that it's his responsibility to protect her and teach her and he feels he's failed her. He promises her that he will do better. He then hands her a package of soybeans as a partial answer to her situation. He explains to her that she's trying to get a harvest without ever having planted a seed. He tells Grace that God will bring her someone, but she must be patient. The guy she was dating, Jared, doesn't take too kindly to the new approach she has taken to dating.  As the movie progresses Grace is reading and studying on what it means to not rush through a relationship. She's learning what it really and truly means to wait and let God bring Mr. Right into her life. She finds happiness again and feels that her life is going in the right direction.  

As struggles go on with the farm and equipment failures they have met and are getting to know a new neighbor. One day he approaches Grace and asks her about starting a relationship. She is interested, but explains to him that she can't start a new relationship without the approval of her dad. Clint surprises her by explaining that he's already reached out to her dad and has been granted the approval to move forward. Life seems to truly be going in the right direction now that Grace has tried to wait and allow God to bring forth her Mr. Right. Just when things seem to be going well an "old friend" of Clints arrives in town and Jared shows back up to see how Grace's new take on relationships is work out for her. 

Throughout this movie we see how when God is the focus of your life all other parts truly fall into place. Often kids are running around just "to date" and to be able to say they have a "boyfriend or girlfriend" because everyone else has one. God already knows who is the one for each of us and when we rush into things and move on "our" time we can often miss what God has in store for us. We see how in this movie when God was put first and Grace lets her father play his role that things truly work out for the better.  

Princess Cut by Watchman Pictures is an amazing family movie. It's full of faith, fun and adventure as we see how God can truly work in our lives.  I loved this movie and would recommend it to all families.  It is a great movie for families or even larger church groups.  For future updates and additional information check out the social media sites and read what the rest of the crew thought.

Princess Cut {Watchman Pictures Reviews}


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