Friday, January 5, 2018

Starting the New Year off Right

What does that statement mean to you? If I'm honest I'm not always sure what it means to me (LOL) For many years I did the New Year's Resolutions, but they usually fell away shortly. I know in the last few years many have taken to adopting verses for the year of even a word for the year. Those just don't seem to fit me for some reason. Not sure why I can't follow the crowd..... Last year I took the holidays as a time to simply regroup. I spent my vacation going through my closet and dressers giving away those items that I knew deep down I just didn't want/need anymore.  We purchased on a house recently that needs quite a bit of work, but I figured even more this year I wanted to go through the closets.

As it always seems to happen what I plan doesn't always turn out.  My Aunt Mary Lou had been very for almost three years. These last few months she just got sicker and sicker and we all knew our time with her was limited.  I had planned to drive home on Wednesday to be with my mom and hopefully get one last visit with my aunt. She went into a coma on Christmas Eve morning and ultimately passed away very late in the evening the day after Christmas. I left Wednesday morning and was so thankful I did. This was a very hard time for our family, but it hit my mom in a way that I think no other loss has. My mom and my aunt both were very strong women. I honestly can't remember seeing either of them cry in my entire life. Not when they buried their mother, went through divorces and tough times or just when having a rough day. My mom is the oldest and was expected from a very young age to watch over the other children. My aunt had a bone disease as well, so my mom felt doubly responsible.  They bickered, spent birthday's together and truly were best friends as well as sisters.  I'm very thankful I had that time with my family. Nothing was on my mind other than helping order flowers, be there for the family and just remember the good times with my aunt.  My husband and kids arrived on Saturday and we had the wake Saturday evening. Sunday we spend the day at my mom's house and pretty much the entire family showed up. I baked brownies, my mom baked cookies and a dear friend of my mom's dropped off two platters of food. We laughed, we were loud, we ate, etc. It truly reminded me of all the holidays I spent as a child with my family. I've missed that living so far away for many years.

We arrived home on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning I woke with a headache. I often ask myself if this house gives me those headaches (LOL) I was so exhausted that I pretty much stayed in bed all day Wednesday and slept off and on during the day. Wednesday evening snow started and we were blessed to have 5"s of snow on the ground. I love the snow and it's such a beautiful sight seeing the ground covered with it. Issac spent hours outside playing by himself as well as with the neighbor from down the street. In the back of my mind I could hear the nagging that the school schedule said to start school back on Tuesday.  Last night I debated as Issac asked me if we were doing school today. Part of me felt the immediate need to say yes, we are already behind. The other part of me thought of my Aunt Mary Lou who was always laughing and had so much joy in her life. I decided to take today off as well and over the next few days to rethink the rest of my year. I have everything planned out, but Issac has started complaining there is no fun. I think I'll ask him to help me make a list of what he'd like to do and we'll try to work on that list. I've also decided this year that WE ARE going to start doing things that are on our Pinterest boards (LOL) I have so much pinned and it's all wonderful, but we just never do it. I've decided that will change this year and we will start trying more things that I've saved. What's the point in saving them if we aren't going to try them? Feel free to follow my BOARDS and I can't wait to see if we try any of the same things :)

That's pretty much my ramblings for the New Year! :) No real resolutions, no word or verse. I'm going to try and bring more JOY to our homeschooling year as well as love on my kids more.  I've felt a renewed closeness to my family through my aunts passing. She'll always be close to my heart and I'm thankful for all the years that I've had with her. I'm going to try and channel her fun spirit this year :)

Happy New Year!!

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  1. It is never easy to lose someone special in our lives. I am happy that tou were able to reconnect with your family, and finally got some snow! Sometimes just taking a little more time off is exactly what you need. I hope you have fun with your pinterest projects.

    1. You know I loved the snow Roxanne! :) It's almost melted and that makes me sad. Hopefully this year we can make it up your way or you down our way for a visit :)


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