Issac is 10 years old and has struggled most of his life with speech delays. He's been though to have auditory processing as well as we've had reading difficulties. The older he's gotten we've seen more and more memory issues as well as him having trouble paying attention. We've done speech and occupational therapies off and on for most of his life. I recently saw Forbrain by Sound for Life LTD and was really interested in this for Issac. The website states that Forbrain's dynamic filter trains the brain to be more attentive improving not only attention but auditory processing and sensory integration. Forbrain helps people to improve speech fluency, pronunciation, sound discrimination and rhythm, for clearer and more effective communication.Forbrain helps people to improve short term memory, which impacts such skills as reading, writing and even chatting. These are all things that I thought were right inline with Issac. Depending on the age of the person using Forbrain as little as 10 minutes a day is needed. It's recommended to use Forbrain for 10 weeks to really see some improvement. After that you can take a break, do another session or just use it when you have something special in the works that needs extra preparation.

I showed Issac the website and he thought the headset looked like something a spy would wear. I explained to him that it might look like something to play with, but that wasn't the intended purpose. We watched the VIDEO together for him to get a better idea of the intended purpose for using Forbrain. I told him we had to commit to wearing it daily and for several months. When the package arrived he was so excited that you would have thought it was his birthday (LOL) I let him open the box and he was excited that it came with a "cool case." I was excited because the case was sturdy and I knew would help protect the headset from my child. He immediately tried it on and we read the information. He charged it and we got started the next day.
The first few days we tried a few different things. We did spelling words out loud, he read out loud to himself and we worked on his play lines. He's in a Christmas play for his drama program and received 19 lines this time. That is the most lines he's had out of all the years he's been doing drama. I was a little nervous because he always memorizes his lines, but often he forgets bits and pieces of them. I was worried that he might not be able to memorize all 19. He suggested that he wear the headset while practicing his lines, so that's what we did. I noticed early on that he seemed to be getting his lines pretty quickly. I didn't say anything to him and we just kept practicing. His drama teacher told him last week that he was doing a really good job with his lines. He told me that night while we were practicing that he couldn't believe how quickly he'd learned his lines. He told me there were 2 that he's not got 100% and they are at the end. He told me he wasn't sure he was going to be able to memorize all 19 lines, but he feels he's got them memorized. The only thing we've done different this time in working on lines is for him to wear the Forbrain.

I feel like this product has definately been helpful for Issac and we will continue to use it and see what other improvements we see. I'm not saying this product will take away any and all issues Issac has, but it's a tool to help him get through his daily activities a little easier. Check out their social media sites as well as see how the other members of the crew used their Forbrain and what improvements they saw.
What an interesting product! It looks like he really enjoyed using it. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteDo you remember at Dymond when they told us about a headset the kids could wear daily to try and help them? I remember we both wanted to try it, but neither of us ever did. I immediately thought of that when I saw this review. It helped that Issac thought he looked like a spy when wearing it :)